Returns & Exchanges
Returns: If you wish to return your bag, you have up to 21 business days from the date of receiving it, provided the bag has not been used. You will receive a full refund, excluding shipping fees (which are $30), once the bag is returned to us. Please ensure the bag is sent without folding.
Return Address: Tal Kantero Merkaz Baaley Melacha 33 Tel Aviv Zip Code 6385151 Israel +97252-6426538
To initiate a return, please contact us at
Exchange: For exchanges, you have up to 21 business days from the date of receiving the bag, as long as it hasn't been used. The buyer is responsible for the shipping fee for exchanged items, with rates of $15 for Eco post and $30 for express post. Please contact us at and specify the bag you'd like to exchange.
Important Notes:
- No warranty on items lost in the mail.
- No refunds/replacements on special order items.
- No monetary deposit will be given for unpaid products, such as promotions or gifts.
Undelivered Items: If an item sent is not collected or received by the customer and returns to us, it will be saved for two weeks before returning to the store inventory. If the customer requests a re-shipment, a fee of $30 for express mail will apply. If the customer decides to cancel the order, a full refund will be issued, excluding shipping fees ($30).
Incorrect Address: If a buyer provides an incorrect address, the new shipping fee for the reshipment will apply to the buyer.
Faulty Products: If you receive a faulty product, please contact us within 14 business days from the date of receipt, and we'll exchange it without additional expenses.